This page gathers relevant bibliography for the project.
Ansar, M., Sikandar, M.A., Althoey, F., Tariq, M.A.U.R., Alyami, S.H., Elsayed Elkhatib, S., 2022. Rheological, Aging, and Microstructural Properties of Polycarbonate and Polytetrafluoroethylene Modified Bitumen. Polymers (Basel) 14, 3283.
Booij, H.C., Thoone, G.P.J.M., 1982. Generalization of Kramers-Kronig transforms and some approximations of relations between viscoelastic quantities. Rheol Acta 21, 15–24.
Chailleux, E., Queffélec, C., Borghol, I., Farcas, F., Marceau, S., Bujoli, B., 2021. Bitumen fractionation: Contribution of the individual fractions to the mechanical behavior of road binders. Construction and Building Materials 271, 121528.
Chailleux, E., Ramond, G., Such, C., de La Roche, C., 2006. A mathematical-based master-curve construction method applied to complex modulus of bituminous materials. Road Materials and Pavement Design 7, 75–92.
Charpin, L., Sanahuja, J., 2017. Creep and relaxation Poisson’s ratio: Back to the foundations of linear viscoelasticity. Application to concrete. International Journal of Solids and Structures 110–111, 2–14.
Cherif, R., Eddhahak, A., Gabet, T., Hammoum, F., Neji, J., 2019. Effect of the processing conditions on the viscoelastic properties of a high-RAP recycled asphalt mixture: Micromechanical and experimental approaches. International Journal of Pavement Engineering 1–10.
Eberhardsteiner, L., Blab, R., 2017. Design of bituminous pavements – a performance-related approach. Road Materials and Pavement Design 20, 244–258.
Eberhardsteiner, L., Füssl, J., Hofko, B., Handle, F., Hospodka, M., Blab, R., Grothe, H., 2015a. Towards a microstructural model of bitumen ageing behaviour. International Journal of Pavement Engineering 16, 939–949.
Eberhardsteiner, L., Füssl, J., Hofko, B., Handle, F., Hospodka, M., Blab, R., Grothe, H., 2015b. Influence of asphaltene content on mechanical bitumen behavior: Experimental investigation and micromechanical modeling. Materials and Structures 48, 3099–3112.
Eberhardsteiner, L., Josef, F., Hofko, B., Handle, F., Hospodka, M., Blab, R., Grothe, H., 2016. Micromechanical Description of Bitumen Aging Behavior, in: Canestrari, F., Partl, M.N. (Eds.), 8th RILEM International Symposium on Testing and Characterization of Sustainable and Innovative Bituminous Materials, RILEM Bookseries. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 411–421.
Eddhahak, A., Vandamme, M., Vu, V.T., 2015. Micromechanical contribution for the prediction of the viscoelastic properties of high rate recycled asphalt and influence of the level blending. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 15, 1037–1045.
Hammoum, F., Chailleux, E., Nguyen, H.-N., Erhlacher, A., Piau, J.-M., Bodin, D., 2009. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Crack Initiation and Growth in Thin Film of Bitumen. Road Materials and Pavement Design 10, 39–61.
Hammoum, F., Delfosse, F., 2022. Les liants hydrocarbonés : des bitumes purs aux liants modifiés et bitumes spéciaux.
Hofko, B., Eberhardsteiner, L., Füssl, J., Grothe, H., Handle, F., Hospodka, M., Grossegger, D., Nahar, S.N., Schmets, A.J.M., Scarpas, A., 2016. Impact of maltene and asphaltene fraction on mechanical behavior and microstructure of bitumen. Materials and Structures 49, 829–841.
Holleran, I., Masad, E., Holleran, G., Wubulikasimu, Y., Malmstrom, J., Wilson, D.J., 2021. Nanomechanical mapping of rejuvenated asphalt binders. Road Materials and Pavement Design 22, 2478–2497.
Im, S., You, T., Ban, H., Kim, Y.-R., 2017. Multiscale testing-analysis of asphaltic materials considering viscoelastic and viscoplastic deformation. International Journal of Pavement Engineering 18, 783–797.
Lahjiri, F., Mouillet, V., Dony, A., Ziyani, L., Gazeau, S., Delfosse, F., Sztucki, M., Dieudonne-George, P., Henn, F., 2023. Relationships between Chemical Composition, Asphaltene Nanostructures, and Thermochemical Properties of Bitumen before and after Accelerated Oxidative Aging. Energy Fuels acs.energyfuels.2c04159.
Lakes, R.S., Wineman, A., 2006. On Poisson’s Ratio in Linearly Viscoelastic Solids. J Elasticity 85, 45–63.
Le Guern, M., 2011. Structure physico-chimique et résistance à la fissuration des bitumes (thesis). Paris 6.
Lesueur, D., 2009. The colloidal structure of bitumen: Consequences on the rheology and on the mechanisms of bitumen modification. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145, 42–82.
Lesueur, D., 2002. La Rhéologie des Bitumes : Principes et Modification. Rhéologie.
Li, F., Wang, Y., Miljković, M., Chan, K.M., 2022. Changes in the nanoscale asphaltene particles and relaxation spectra of asphalt binders during aging and rejuvenation. Materials & Design 219, 110808.
Marin, G., Graessley, W.W., 1977. Viscoelastic properties of high molecular weight polymers in the molten state. Rheol Acta 16, 527–533.
Nur, N.I., Chailleux, E., Airey, G.D., 2011. A comparative study of the influence of shift factor equations on master curve construction. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 4, 324–336.
Pipintakos, G., 2022. Towards an enhanced understanding of the oxidative ageing mechanisms in bitumen. University of Antwerp, Antwerp.
Such, C., 1983. Analyse du comportement visqueux des bitumes. Bulletin de liaison des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées 127, 25–35.
Such, C., 1982. Etude de la structure des bitumes. LCPC.
Vassaux, S., Gaudefroy, V., Boulangé, L., Soro, L.J., Pévère, A., Michelet, A., Barragan-Montero, V., Mouillet, V., 2018. Study of remobilization phenomena at reclaimed asphalt binder/virgin binder interphases for recycled asphalt mixtures using novel microscopic methodologies. Construction and Building Materials 165, 846–858.